It’s a video application with small dialog which we commonly used in our routine. This is an application that improves the vocabulary and grips on speaking English.
This poem is about one naughty boy and small cat named “Pussy”. Naughty boy put Pussy into wall. One little boy tacked Pussy out of wall.
Simple rhyme to practicing similar works like cat, bat, mat etc.
It’s a poem of a boy who loves to go for wondering, on mountain.
Hickory, dickory dock is intended to introduce children to the fundamentals of telling the time. Hickory, dickory dock is also known by another title "Hickory, dickory doc" inevitable perhaps due to the nonsensical nature of the words of Hickory, dickory dock! The first publication date for the "Hickory, dickory dock" rhyme is 1744. Investigation into the meanings of the words used in the rhyme lead us to believe that it has its origins in America.